A fresh breath of ocean air! Project meeting in Herdla, Bergen
Sep 14, 2023

Having a good time often leads to good conversations, inspiration and ideas. Physical meetings can therefore be highly productive and important in a project. It is usually at such gatherings important conclusions and linking of results are made, as well as plans for the future.  

In September, researchers, seaweed farmers and food industry partners from the SusKelpFood consortium met for two days in idyllic Herdla, located about 40 km Northwest from Bergen. The days consisted of a well-balanced mix of academical updates on the project's progress, a workshop on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) led by Céline Rebours, and a wonderful evening including a boat ride around Herdla, snorkeling, fishing and a fine dinner at the hotel's restaurant. An impromptu late evening tasting of self-harvested scallops, sea urching roe, ocean quahog (Arctica islandica) and of course seaweeds was the cherry on the top.

We could not find any better venue than Herdla Biologen, a former marine biological research station turned into a hotel and conference center, to get inpired, look back at the work achieved so far, and plan activities for the third and last year of the project. Two words best describing the gathering: big smiles!


Coffee break with big smiles! Photo credit: Arne Duinker


Happy divers, nice boat, and happy fishers! Photo credit: Arne Duinker and Linn Kristin Akslen-Hoel


Project leader Pierrick Stévant (Møreforsking) and co-project leader Arne Duinker (IMR) in their right element. Photo credit: Linn Kristin Akslen-Hoel


Project participants enjoying self-harvested sea delicacies such as scallop topped with dulse marinated in soy sauce and lime. Photo credit: Linn Kristin Akslen-Hoel


Project participants present at the meeting in Herdla, Bergen. Photo credit: Arne Duinker
